ECFS Studio Theatre Series presents...

written by Ryan Drake
directed by Zach Cohn '21

The Worst Life I Ever Lived is about three teenagers whose lives are flipped upside down when the postcard shop where they work is acquired by a mysterious corporation, BetterCorp. Watch as their lives warp and change through weekly Zoom meetings with their peculiar BetterCorp representative, Margaret.

It is an original play commissioned by the Fieldston Theater & Dance Department for this year's Studio Theater Series.

Friday Performance

Saturday Performance

Note: You may be asked to redirect to YouTube to view the performance.
This is typical and optimal for your viewing.


Charlie Melkonian '21, Julia Parham '21,
Carson Lender '22, & Anna-Lies Voorham '24

Thomas Grant '21
Zach Cohn '21

Thomas Grant '21

Visual Design
Sophie David '22

Prop Design
Logan Silbert '22

Sarafina Belafonte '22

Foley Design (Tech Lab 20-21)
Jackson Barron '21
Savanah Carrasquilla '23
Charlotte Lundberg '21
Jem Lundberg '23
Josh Sacca '21
Jenna Werchen '23

Produced by
Deb St. Onge McMahon & William Norman

Stage Manager & Technical Direction
Danny Viola


Ryan Drake is a playwright and filmmaker in Brooklyn, NY. His plays include YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO ANYTHING (Eugene O'Neill NPC Semi-finalist, Less than Rent Theatre), TERRIBLE RAGE (The Tank), ROLLER DYNASTY (Medicine Show, The Actors Company LA, Table Work Press Recommended 2020, 999 Festival), MOON KIDS (Crashbox Theatre Company, Mason Holdings) and GAMING AND CRYING AND DREAMING AND GAMING (Dixon Place, Actors Theatre Louisville Apprentice Workshop). His short plays have been featured at The Wild Project, 7x7 at The Tank, Serials@TheFlea, Kenyon College, YesNoise High Line Series, Calliope Theatre, and The Playwrights Collective. He wrote the webseries "Sensitive" which can be streamed on Amazon Prime and SeekaTV. "Sensitive" was featured on Canada's OutTV on their network series "Best of the Web". He graduated from Kenyon College in 2014 where he won the James E Michael Playwriting Prize. Ryan is pursuing an MFA in Playwriting from Hunter College.