ECFS Studio Theatre Series presents...

The show follows three cars in a drive-in movie theater: one car containing two friends, another two people on a first date, and the last a couple breaking up.

It is an original play commissioned by the Fieldston Theater & Dance Department for this year's Studio Theater Series.


Cassidy Boehm (VI), Zach Cohn (VI),
Sophie David (V), Maribel Mendoza (V),
Nate Russo (IV), and Anna-Lies Voorham (III)

Production Team

Assistant Directed by Emma Friedman (IV)
Design by Charlotte Lundberg (VI)
Animation & Visuals by Harrison Brooks (VI)

Produced by Deb St. Onge McMahon & William Norman
Technical Support by Danny Viola

Friday Performance

Saturday Performance


When I first received the script from K’yana, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I knew that this Studio Theatre experience would be different than in past years, with the limitations of a pandemic forcing a total reimagination of what theater is and can be. But from the first page, any reservations I might have had were immediately dismissed with a single sentence of stage direction: “Our six characters can, and should, look like anyone capable of love.”

No matter the distance between us, or new modes of conveying story and theme, at the heart of this play lies the spirit of theater. At the heart of this play lies love. And love, our relationship to one another, is all but simple. The intimacy of truly knowing someone inside and out is irresistible and yet, ultimately unattainable. Even with those who one cares most deeply for there will always be a degree of separation, even in the most joyous moments you can never take what they’re thinking for granted. Despite this, or even because of it, continuing to inch closer to knowing a person is exhilarating and, no matter the outcome, worthwhile. Love provides room for growth and hope, even on the downbeats.

For me, the beauty of K’yana’s script comes from its reality. Her portrayal of connections and relationships is true to life in both its highs and lows. These past weeks, I’ve had the privilege of watching the cast bring life to the page, and I find something new in the material each time I watch it.

There are many people without whom this production wouldn’t have been possible, and I am beyond grateful for each and every one of them. Putting together a performance such as this one, especially online, is no small feat. I would especially like to thank Emma Friedman for radiating joy and support throughout this entire process, and of course, K’yana Faulkner-Smith, whose truly brilliant mind has created a piece that I have truly loved to delve into these past six months. Thank you so much for watching, and I hope that you enjoy the show!


K'yana Faulkner-Smith is a Writer/Actor based in Manhattan. Her recent work includes This Little Light , which premiered in The Glassbox theater at The New School for Drama as part of their senior showcase; as well as Valentines Vintage Variety Village (For Fun & Simplicity), that was slated to premiere at the Tank Theater pre-covid19. K'yana received her BFA in Theater from NSD and is now pursuing her MFA in Dramatic Writing at NYU’s TISCH School of the Arts. Originally from Northern Mississippi, she was raised in Honolulu, and when she isn’t writing, K’yana can usually be found on a beach somewhere. She also enjoys reading stories about magic and love, watching tons of movies and rollerskating with her family.