ECFS Studio Theatre Series presents...

Fourteen year old Laney arrives in Oxford, Mississippi with a twisted back, a mother in crisis and a burning desire to be writer. When she befriends Maribel Purdy, a fervent believer in the power of Jesus Christ to save her from the humiliations of high school, Laney embarks on a hilarious spiritual and sexual journey that challenges her mother's secular worldview and threatens to tear their fragile relationship apart.

Directed by
Aidan La Poche ('21)


Sophie David ('22), Maria Grabowsky ('21)
& Anjali Vuksanaj ('22)

Production Team

Assistant Directors - Margo Morris ('21), Ines Menendez ('22)
Set Design - Julia Parham ('21)
Costume Design - Saskia Lethin ('22)
Lighting Design - Ben Markowitz ('21)
Sound Design & Score - Thomas Grant ('21)
Props Coordinator - Logan Silbert ('22)
Technical Manager - Zach Cohn ('21)

Producer - Deb St. Onge McMahon & William Norman
Virtual Tech Advisor - Danny Viola


Catherine Trieschmann’s plays include The Bridegroom of Blowing Rock, Crooked, How the World Began, Hot Georgia Sunday, The Most Deserving, Holy Laughter, OZ 2.5 and One House Over. Her work has been produced Off-Broadway at the Women’s Project, the Bush Theatre (London), Out of Joint at the Arcola Theatre (London), South Coast Repertory, Milwaukee Repertory Theatre, the Denver Center for Performing Arts, Geva Theater Center, the New Theatre (Sydney), Florida Stage, the Summer Play Festival, Actor’s Theatre of Louisville, American Theatre Company, and the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, among others. She has received commissions from South Coast Repertory, Manhattan Theatre Club, Milwaukee Repertory Theater and the Denver Theatre Center. She is the recipient of the Weissberger Award, the Otis Guernsey New Voices Playwriting Award from the Inge Theatre Festival, and a twice awardee of the Edgerton New Play Award. She also wrote the screenplay for the film Angel's Crest, which premiered at the 2011 Tribeca Film Festival and was released by Magnolia Pictures. Originally from Athens, Georgia, she now lives in a small town in western Kansas.