ECFS Middle School Drama Workshop presents...

Welcome to Microcosm, a society reinvention tool brought to you by Organic Industry Pro Collaborative Junction. Nine young women exist within a simulation with the goal of rejuvenating our society after countless disasters have ravaged the earth, but everything changes when a boy arrives in their community. Suddenly, it's not entirely certain what the purpose of the simulation is, nor is it clear where each individual fits—if they do at all. Microcosm asks us to interrogate our own humanity, and whether humanity matters in the first place.


Atiksh Bordia
Lily Cordon-Siskind
Jeina Ettricks
Dominese Gomes
Susie Hunt

Chloe Jean

Niya Kapahi

Chloe Keenan

Shayna Sacks

Noa Saviano

Margot Stone

Directed by Stephanie Stone

Technical Direction by Daniel Viola


Noah T. Parnes is a student at Yale University majoring in Ethnicity, Race, and Migration. His first play, eXXtra credit, was produced at the Ethical Culture Fieldston School in 2015. Since then, he has written a number of other works, including ROADKILL, Buzz, and GoingUnder (performed in the NYC short play festival Cherry Picking in 2016, 2018, and 2019), The Bouncy Castle Play (written for The Brooklyn Generator's fifth season in 2017), and the libretto of What Comes Next, a musical produced at Yale as a senior thesis in music for his friend and writing partner, Jerome Walker. This coming spring, What Comes Next will be performed at Exeter Academy. Noah has studied playwriting under Donald Margulies and Deb Margolin, and in 2019 was commissioned to write Cabin 7, a full-length which was performed by the 2020 Fieldston Middle School drama workshop. This year, Noah is taking time off from his studies to write, study the art of drag, and sing with the Whiffenpoofs, an all-senior a cappella group at Yale. He is so grateful to have been given the opportunity to write Microcosm for this year’s drama workshop. Noah graduated from Fieldston in 2017.